Don't forget to keep an eye on the Term Calender on the Events page!
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classroom teachers
and year levels
Logan Phillips
Senior Class - Te Mauri O Te Wai
Kate Smeaton
Tui Akuhata-Green
Lauren Bartram
Junior Class - Tūrangawaewae
Kookie Koopu
Polly Wells
Charlotte Burt
Teacher Aides - Kaiawhina
Tarnz Wilson
Office Administration
Tracey Camelo
Kohu Nathan
Kaimahi Kai /Catering Staff
Kirsty Millar
Awhi Troth
Board of trustees MEMBERS 2024
Logan Phillips (Principal)
Bridgette Meares(Presiding Member)
Tui Akuhata-Green (Staff Representation)
Aasta Tippett (Vice Presiding Member)
Cowboy Dysart
Kaylea Choat
Bridgette Meares(Presiding Member)
Tui Akuhata-Green (Staff Representation)
Aasta Tippett (Vice Presiding Member)
Cowboy Dysart
Kaylea Choat